
Present Continuous Present Simple in contrast.

Hi, there!
In this post I am going to upload a lesson to work Present Continuos Present Simple in contrast.

   Lead in

You could show a video about the difference between Present Continuous and Present Simple. It is a simple short video, and it 's a good way of revising both tenses. 


You should show a video about describing activities.  Present Continuous Present Simple in contrast.
 When they finish watching the video, you could write on the board two words: NOW – EVERY DAY. You could ask students to think of two sentences, one in present continuous and the other in present simple. 

I hope you'll find it useful. Please leave your comments. Thank you!!!

Present Continuous- Consolidation Lesson

Hi, there!
I'm going to upload a follow up lesson to continue working with Present Continuous.

Lead in 
Miming Game.

You should divide the class into two teams, A & B. One student comes up to the front of the class, takes a card and asks the class ‘What am I doing?’ The student does the mime on the card. The member on either team thinks they know, they respond ‘You’re verb+ing..’ The first team to get the mime correct wins a point. Then, a student comes up from the other team. The first team to get ten points wins the game. 

'Houses & Rooms' 

You should  explain the game ‘Houses & Rooms’: You draw a large house on the board, with at least eight rooms over three floors. You elicit ideas and label the rooms (Which rooms are which?), and then elicit some names and their relationships (Who lives here?)
You should divide the class in small groups, 9 groups of 3. Then students  have to imagine it’s 8 o’clock p.m. and everyone is at home. Agree where they are and what they are doing; e.g. Lorraine is listening to very loud music in her bedroom. John, her dad, is in the hall shouting. Each group writes sentences using the present continuous. 

Listening Activity
'Sugar- Maroon 5'

You should explain the students that they are going to listen to a song and do the exercises on the worksheet. The song is: Sugar –Maroon 5
I hope you'll find it useful. Leave some comments above. Thank you!!

Present Continuous- Presentation Lesson

If you are looking for ideas on how to work with the Present Continuous tense, below you will find some ideas and a great lesson plan for it. Hope you find it useful!

Lead in

You should divide the class in groups. Then you give the same photo to each group. Students have 3 minutes to think of sentences using the present continuous. The group who thinks more correct sentences is the winner.
 Video Session

You explain your students that they are going to watch a video about Mr Bean doing the household chores. It is a funny video about Mr. Bean.

Below I'll attach a great worksheet to do after watching the video.

Present Continuous Present Simple in contrast.

Hi, there! In this post I am going to upload a lesson to work Present Continuos Present Simple in contrast.     Lead in You cou...